Most organizations have a handbook that describes precisely how to behave within the office’s walls. You often notice that very different rules apply in practice. Figuring out these rules for yourself can create embarrassing situations. That is why we give you the 7 unwritten rules that apply to every office.
1. Promotion is not always related to how good you are at your job.
Loyalty and goodwill are just as important as doing your job well. In general, the quality of your work ensures promotion in half the cases. The other half of the promotions are directly related to whether they are awarded to you by both your supervisor and your colleagues. So be collegial with every employee. It creates a pleasant atmosphere not only for work but also that promotion is one step closer.
2. Different rules apply for other people.
On paper, everyone might be equal; in real life, there are often different rules. For example, one colleague may get away with something faster than another. Managers also often have different rules. Be aware of this so that you don’t accidentally break a fundamental rule to Manager A, while Manager B values another one more.
3. Managers don’t make decisions on their own
An organization is a dynamic environment. Rarely is something determined by a manager alone. When making a decision, several colleagues can often influence this process. Find out which colleagues these are and keep an eye on them. You never know when it will come in handy.
4. Occasionally walk outside with the smokers.
Whether you smoke or not, occasionally joining a group of smokers can provide you with a wealth of information. During these breaks, the latest gossip is discussed, and you often hear how things work. At this social moment, colleagues are more likely to give you tips in an informal way that benefits you.
5. Occasionally pitch good ideas directly to your supervisor.
Do you often have good ideas? Make sure you don’t always throw such an idea into the group haphazardly. There is a chance that an eager colleague will run off with your vision. Walk into your manager and informally discuss your idea. This way, he or she knows that it is your idea and that you are thinking about your work. In turn, don’t run off with a view from a colleague. This creates little goodwill and can have far-reaching consequences (see point 1).
6. The cheeky have half the world.
It’s said that the brutal have half the world. That means the other half is for those who follow the rules properly. Find out what you prefer at work.
Are you not in the lead yourself, but is this the best way to get things done? Then try to be a bit bolder. The same goes the other way around, of course. Be sensitive to the fact that other colleagues don’t talk as easily as you do.
7. Team spirit?
Everyone works together in a good football team. A goal is not scored by one player but because a whole team works well together. This team spirit is often hard to find at the office. Don’t get caught up in tedious games, and don’t be underhand about colleagues. This way, your colleagues know that you cannot be manipulated. Hopefully, you will set the right example and inspire others.
Today’s work field can be competitive and challenging. You will often be disappointed if you think you can get good at your job just by following the written rules. Keep your ears and eyes open for the unwritten rules that apply so you can quickly find your way around the office.