1. What is expected of me?
A good employee knows what is expected and his or her duties. Being able to describe your core tasks and their associated attributes has probably been part of your application. That is why you should be able to specify exactly what your tasks are. Think of results, standards, goals, and what knowledge is required. During your time at your employer, your position may change. Responsibilities are added, or tasks are lost. Keep a close eye on this. This way, you will not be faced with surprises when conversing with your employer.
2. When do I have to be here?
Perhaps obvious, but always be aware of the hours you work, which days you do not have to work, what arrangements there are if you are sick or what rules apply if you have to work overtime. Know your rights and obligations. This way, you avoid hassle afterward. Many employees have no idea what they can or cannot claim, and even managers can shrug their shoulders when you bring it up. Read your contract carefully and ask questions if anything is unclear. And what unwritten rules are there, actually?
3. What am I good at?
Every employee should know where his or her qualities lie. You should be able to tell your manager exactly what your added value is. Why? Because that way, you know which projects you can tackle or which role you can best take in a particular project. This way, you choose the tasks that fit well with your qualities. You make it possible for yourself to be good at your work. And then that bonus or storage is suddenly a bit closer.
4. How do I do it?
An important question that you should think about from time to time. Today, your development within a company is extremely important. Stagnation means a decline. Ask a colleague or supervisor for feedback in an informal way. What is and what is not going well? This way, you can make timely adjustments if people think you should do certain tasks better. If you are busy with your own development, so are others. For a manager, there is nothing better than an employee who occasionally asks himself this question.
5. How are we doing?
As an employee, it is good to be aware of how your company is performing; are things going well or badly? And how is your department doing compared to other departments? An employee aware of the bigger picture is generally seen as a good employee. Also, immerse yourself in the philosophy of your company. Is the company’s philosophy taken into account in the day-to-day business? Where is that reflected in your daily activities?
6. What are my core values?
What do you think is important? What do you “take” from? Where do you limit what is and what is not permissible? Suppose you know what is important to you in your work and private life. In that case, you can easily indicate whether you agree or disagree with something. This way, your colleagues and employer know what they can do with you. This can be in work ethics or personal standards and values. Do you disagree with the course of events? Let us hear from you! This way, you stick to your principles and command respect.
7. What corporate culture am I in?
What is and what is not possible in your department? You need to be aware of this to avoid major slips. While dirty jokes are greatly appreciated at one organization, it is not done at another. You have to realize that in addition to the written rules, the unwritten rules often rule. For example, how do you address your manager? And what is expected of you in terms of overtime? Or can you go home a little earlier on a Friday afternoon?
All the examples above relate to whether you are connected to your work. Do you think about it, or do you blindly do what you are told? In this day and age, more and more initiative is expected from employees. You have to think along. Keep developing; register for financial training, schedule a meeting with your employer, or discuss your ideas for the company. You will see that your career is gaining momentum.