“The ability to control my emotions and my actions in any situation sets me apart from other men” -quote Navy SEAL-
With the Navy SEALs, there are three things you have to do perfectly to be an influential performer: move, communicate and shoot. Communication is the most important thing. As a leader, good communication is crucial to provide details about the mission and vision to be achieved and motivate, inspire and manage relationships. In this way, you help everyone in the desired direction.
leadership is a privilege that must be earned every day. When you hold a leadership position, you often do not realize that the spotlight is on you. Everything you say and do is examined, for better and for worse. By accepting both the challenge and the honor of leading a team, it is good to realize that what you do on and off the “battlefield” affects your leadership ability. Words and actions can become habits, and habits contribute to defining our character.
leadership communication is much more than the words we say and how we express them so that the team “hears” them. Effective communication is also about emotional intelligence, knowing your target audience, and actively listening.
Here are five things to keep in mind when communicating with a team.
Be there
Managers, entrepreneurs, and all types of leaders often have little or no moments of rest. They race from meeting to meeting without taking a moment to empty their heads and reset for the next agenda item. Most studies show people are productive for only a few minutes per hour. This is often due to distractions. Whether you are talking to a colleague at the coffee machine or leading a management meeting, ensure you are always actively present in that moment. Be involved with your team, so they know you care.
Ask the right questions.
Asking the right questions is perhaps the best tip you can get to encourage productive and intelligent communication within your team. Building a good team is one of your greatest privileges as a leader. Hopefully, a composite team consists of more intelligent and more talented people than yourself. If so, why should we spend our time giving directions? We achieve much more by guiding a conversation with a specific goal and leveraging and investing in the talent around us.
Speak less, listen more.
Comparable to asking the right questions is actively listening to who is speaking. We regularly think about what we want to say or are going to answer ourselves, as opposed to really listening to the other. When we do that, we are not actually talking to the other. leadership is not about calling tasks from a platform. You regularly see that the wisest people listen more and speak less. The less we speak, the more we can learn about the people around us.
Work on emotional intelligence
This topic is certainly worth mentioning as it is often overlooked or perceived as unnecessary quality. Emotional intelligence is not a soft leadership quality; it is necessary. Being self-aware, disciplined, empathetic, and calm are all parts of emotional intelligence that can improve your qualities as a leader. These emotional competencies are not innate talents but learned possibilities that you practice and continue to develop. So get started!
Stay calm and be positive.
Rest is contagious. Panic too. Smile more. Show confidence. And try not to express your emotions publicly. That doesn’t mean you should turn off normal human responses; just be aware that effective communication is only in 7% of your words. The rest is the body language, tone, and delivery of the message.
Try to apply, practice, and master these points.
In addition to improving your communication, it is essential to ensure that employees continue to develop and train themselves.