The topic of leadership remains one with many questions. When are you really a good leader? Which style works best in which situation, and how do you feel about it? Today, authentic leadership is the style many swear by.
Just be yourself
But what is authenticity? It is often said to be yourself. But only natural leaders can lead by being purely and solely themselves. And you can even question their authenticity: a natural leader probably feels very well when they have to “camouflage” their own feelings and thoughts. So in that sense, this is a trait undoubtedly authentic, but how authentic is the behavior?
Give a little, take a little
In addition to authentic leadership, there are various other leadership styles. There is, for example, transactional leadership, which, even though the style is said to be “out of date,” is still used in many places. Transactional leadership is based on the principle of what goes for what and does not let emotions get in the way of mutual agreement. I pay you; you deliver your work. You can earn a bonus with me if you achieve your goals. In the short term, this management style can be highly effective. But what does my employer do if the organization is not doing well? He says that they are waiting for him at home and leave. After all, what is his motivation to continue to work optimally for his employer?
Those who do well follow well
The counterpart of transactional leadership is transformational leadership. In this style, a leader chooses to influence his employees’ norms, values , and behavior by setting a good example. This creates a we-feeling: ambassadors of the organization and employees who are committed to each other and the organization. The leader gives confidence that if we all do our best for the organization, there is no reason to be concerned about whether or not to renew the contract. But how realistic is it to expect a company to form “one big family”? How many employees will fight just as hard for their boss as they do for their families? Is it not always the employee’s interest to balance work and private life?
Can you learn charisma?
An always popular leadership style is charismatic leadership. You can probably already imagine where this is going by the term charismatic. Charismatic leadership is based on the personal qualities of a person to get people along with his vision. A charismatic leader is not afraid to do things differently and to rebel against existing systems and dogmas. Its appearance inspires confidence and inspires. Charismatic leadership is widely studied, but it is highly questionable whether you can learn to be a charismatic leader. And so we are authentic. Just be yourself is the motto. But it is not that simple. After all, genuine can also be annoyed that an employee comes to complain or grumpy on a manager’s birthday. Authentic can mean insecurity when employees need strength and confidence, and it can mean that you are relieved to be able to let some of your workforce go. These are not ideal emotions if you want to be seen as a good and balanced leader.
Competent and honest
But what do we mean by authentic leadership? People expect their leaders to be knowledgeable. Leaders must have knowledge of the matter and the self-confidence to draw conclusions and decisions from that knowledge. In addition, leaders must show integrity. A double agenda or skewed interests are the first reason for mistrust. Integrity inspires confidence.
Your leadership style
Although authenticity and integrity are precious qualities for a leader, that is not the end. A good leader knows how to direct and, if necessary, control his own behavior. In this way, they can respond to employees’ expectations. Combining simple goals and intelligent use of your behavior makes you effective and valued as a leader. During the Essence of leadership training, we will extensively discuss the characteristics of influential leaders, and you will learn to recognize and use your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing more? Take a look around the website or contact us for more information.